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Journal Prompts Personal Growth

How to Make The Perfect Decision

Cat High Five

Hello beautiful goddess friend. Today I am so excited to share with you how to make the perfect decision. Have you experienced that you need to make a decision and become afraid of whether it is a right or wrong decision? and you ended up procrastinating on something you needed to do? You are in the perfect place. I am going to give you tips and actionable steps today so that you will never be indecisive anymore. With that said, let’s dive in.

The myth of the right decision

Here is the great news. I can say truly directly that your worry will disappear. There is no right or wrong decision. Did you know that it is very simple 🙂 I can hear ‘What? but wait Mana.’ I got you, stay with me and keep reading this article.

As learning from the best life coaches, personal growth books, and seminars, I can say the most powerful decision is to decide. Not deciding is actually the worst decision we can make. Be clear yes or no and if you like your reason for the decision, it’s all perfect.

There are no failures or wrong decisions in life. You will either a. celebrate or b. opportunity to learn to grow.

All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe.” It will work miracles in your life.

Louise Hay

Understand your core value

Whenever you make a decision, it is crucial to understand your own core values. What do you value the most in your life?
For example, if you value boldness and adventurousness, you will make a decision so much different from those who value humility and safety.

If you make a decision that aligns with your values, you will feel more centered and feel relief.

Always follow your heart

When you want to make a decision, it is so nice to take a deep breath and listen to your heart and soul. As we grow up, we tend to listen to brains or thoughts that are not serving us but our soul knows what do we really want to do. Tell yourself the truth with honesty and authenticity.

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Steve Jobs

Beautiful state

One of the favorite things that I learned from Mr. Tony is to always keep the beautiful state no matter what. So what is the beautiful state? According to Mr. Tony, the state is made of physiology, focus, and language (meaning).

Our body movement (physiology) is very connected to our emotions. For example, when you feel worried or tired what does your body look like? and when you feel energized and happy, how your body, and posture will change from worry or tired feeling?

If you feel worried, I can see your neck is down, your breathing is shallow, and your shoulder is huddled. On the other hand, if you are happy your head is up, your breath is deep and you might put your arms in the air and smile.

Next, Mr. Tony always tell us we experience life we focus on. It is so important to always train and manage brain to focus on what we want and what we love.

Finally, we need to pay attention to what kind of language we use. Words carry a certain energy. Does the word often you use energize, motivate, and fulfill you? And so we need to pay attention to whatever we make decisions, keep our energy high and use powerful empowering questions.

A decision made from fear is always the wrong decision.

Tony Robbins

Powerful questions

When we ask ourselves questions, our brains will come up with amazing answers. I always love to ask powerful questions such as this
・What would I love to do?
・If ‘love’ can speak, what does she choose?
・Do I want to do this?
・Does it grow me and expand my horizon?
・Does this serve me to become the best version of myself?

You can use those powerful questions when it comes to making big decisions in your life.

Decide from future

When it comes to small decisions such as buying new clothes or products you are interested in, you can also ask yourself
・Does this represent my future self?
・Does this make me really beautiful?
・Does future I have this?
・Does future I wear this?

Imagination is the ultimate key to success.


Love and honor your decision

It is very important to love and honor your decision once you made it. Since our brain likes to stay the same most of the time because of the survival mode, most people tend to worry or doubt after the decision. (Did you know that worry is one of the useless emotions? Stay tuned for a future article!)

The final thing you want to check is whether you like the reason for making the decision. Successful decision-making comes from the place of love.
・Does it comes from love, excitement, fun, joy, abundance, and gratitude?
・Do you feel a little bit scared but with excitement?
・Did you decide on a beautiful state?

Once you made the decision and if you love the reason for you making the decision, congratulations! Make sure to tap your back (or hug yourself :)) that you made the decision. Acknowledge that you decided for yourself. It is so powerful, brave, and bold. Indeed you are my goddess friend, I am so proud of you!

Please remember that everything is perfect. Everything is working out so perfectly. I always love the mantra for

Everything is working out so perfectly for perfect reasons in perfect timing.


Here are a few tips you can take action relating to this article.

  1. Remember, there is no right or wrong decision. Indecision is only the wrong decision. You will like the result or you can learn to grow from the result.
  2. Understand your core value. Ask yourself What do you value the most in your life?
  3. Always follow your heart. Your soul knows what you want to do.
  4. Keep the energy high. Decide on a beautiful state.
  5. Use powerful empowering questions that you want your brain to come up with the answer beautifully.
  6. Decide from the future. Connect to your future self or ideal self. How does she think and decide?
  7. Honor your decision and the reason to make the decision.

Bonus tip: Tap your back and hug yourself.

What was your biggest takeaway from this article?

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Merci! xo

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