Vegan Fashion Model, Designer and Educational Leader

As an inspiring mentor, Mana offers personalized sessions to empower women in their journey to ultimate happiness, health, and beauty.

Her unique approach focuses on mentoring women for especially who are vegan or considering a plant-based lifestyle transition.

Mana believes that what we eat and think profoundly influences our well-being.

We are what we eat, think, and input.


Join Mana’s vibrant community to discover how to embrace a joyful, loving, beautiful, and stylish life, inside and out.

While the class contents and private session platform are being set up,
you can read the latest blog articles and listen to podcast episodes where she talks about the essence of how to become happier, and healthier and create and live the best life.

Also, feel free to reach out with any questions or fill out the contact form.

    Looking forward to connecting with you! xo
