Christian Dior said ‘You can never really go wrong if you take nature as an example.’

Do you love and enjoy the blossom season like spring? When I was paying closer attention to how nature is so miraculous and magnificent, I found 5 important things that we can learn from beautiful nature and apply to our lives. today I am excited to share with you, how this timeless wisdom from nature can be applicable to your life.

Does a cat compare with another cat?Are you interested in? Let’s dive in.

What you will discover

・How to feel so much better now.
・How this wisdom can apply to any area of our lives.
・How to stop looking at your phone with simple questions.

You can never really go wrong if you take nature as an example.

Christian Dior

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.

Steve Jobs

I love to laugh. It’s the only way to live. Enjoy each day’s not coming back again!

Doris Day

The secret to living is giving.

Tony Robbins

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

Pablo Picasso

The important thing in life is just living and loving.

Doris Day

Featured in this episode

Haute Couture Life Recipe

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