How to Be A Morning Person Successfully

Have you ever dreamed of being a morning person who relaxes and enjoys from early morning? Listening to birds chirping, waking outside when the sky is clean and clear.

In today’s blog, I will talk about 3 simple steps to be a morning person successfully. Now I wake up at 5ish and start my day every day and I can’t imagine that I used to be a night person.

Let’s dive in.

1. Have a clear vision and purpose in your life

The most important thing in our life is to design, create, and live into our vision and purpose. Without vision and purpose, in this massive digital era, we can easily get distracted by things that don’t matter in our lives.

One of the best coaches Tony Robbins always talks about most people major in minor things.

There are super important things and these do not seem urgent and these are the ones we have to consistently focus on consciously.  

Life is a gift. Every single lady has her special unique talent and gift that serves her community. We can start from tiny simple steps to be more clear about our vision and purposes. Firstly, collect things that you adore in life and keep asking yourself what is the ultimate best life you want to design and create. I promise that you will come up with the answers.

2. No more inputting after 6 pm

If you want to wake up earlier, it is important to make your body and brain rest earlier as well. When I made a decision not to eat after 6 pm it is very easy to wake up smoothly because the body is well-digested and rested and especially think about what fruits I can have for the beautiful breakfast I get excited. Plan for the next day, how beautiful, incredible, and fun it’s going to be. Also, I suggest you turn off any digitals unless you are creating something with it. I think one of the reasons that most people do not enjoy their life is that they keep consuming what others create such as food and content.

We are here to evolve and create. No need to eat when you don’t feel really hungry. After deciding your vision and purpose, let’s laser focus on things that are very important in your life.

3. Go to bed early

To wake up early, we need to adjust our sleeping time too. This sleeping time is quite personal but I feel so good when I have 7 hours of sleep. With that said, it is crucial to understand (most of us already know, high five goddesses) that we are not meant to eat animal products for the sake of our own health and lovely creatures because of food digestion as well. Humans are not designed to have nutrition from other beautiful creatures.

It is time to implement what you know into what you do and magic happens.

if you want to be a morning person, let’s think about your ideal future self.

This is a great exercise for lasting long results.

What time does she wake up?

Why does she wake up early?

How does she start her day?

What is the energy she embodies?

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.

Albert Einstein

If you like this kind of topic, I am so excited to share the topic in the future related today which is to create your successful morning ritual.

Until then

See you soon! xo

P.S. Sleeping cats are adorable but we are morning fabulous goddesses, ladies!

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