Vegan Fashion Model, Your guide to personal growth, enriching love, and enhancing beauty

Hello my beautiful friend!

I’m so happy to welcome you here. My name is Mana and I’m a vegan model and fashion designer. I’m delighted to share with you my LOVE for personal growth, timeless wisdom, 1950’s style, beauty and feminine elegance.

My journey began as a fashion model, which I truly loved, and then later I felt lost and unfulfilled. Then everything changed when I discovered the world of personal growth. It completely and miraculously transformed my life.

I immersed myself in personal growth and dedicated myself to learning to love and reconnect with myself. Along the way, I developed my own style and expertise in nurturing my inner and outer beauty with my thoughts and my food, and how to make every moment of this gifted life magnificent.

Now, as a vegan model and designer, I’m on a mission to create beauty and share my expertise, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to guide and mentor like-minded women in creating the lives they truly desire. Life is a gift and let’s make the most of it.

With LOVE,
