Make Your Dreams Come True In 3 Simple Steps

Do you have a dream that you want to make come true? It could be something like learning new languages, moving to a different city, traveling to other countries, starting a business, or building a house.

In today’s article, I am really excited to share with you how to make your dreams come true in 3 simple steps. Are you excited? Let’s get started.

Hello gorgeous friend, how are you doing? I recently traveled to Jeju Island for a business retreat and I learned so many thing by just putting myself in a different environment plus I found the amazing vegan cafes that I am so excited to share with you on YouTube! (Watch video from here)

So today’s topic is about how to make your dreams come true. When it comes to dreams, what comes to your mind and what are your dreams? If you can resonate with us, perhaps you are one of the ladies who have many, many big dreams and excited to make each dream come true.

I truly believe that every dream that is planted in our soul, not by anyone’s standards or quote unquote should, our dreams will eventually come true at the perfect timing. I truly believe it. Let’s get straight into these 3 steps to make your dreams come true.

1. Have A Crystal Clear Vision and Purpose

Step number one is to have a crystal clear vision and purpose. Let’s take the example of my business retreat in Jeju Island.

I have been wanting to do a business retreat to expand my horizons and perspective and it has been on my mind for a long time. I have also been practicing really connecting with my intuition more than ever recently and suddenly the idea came to me, like, ‘Oh I have always loved beautiful natural greens, water blues, and pretty pink and white roses.’ Then I saw Jeju Island (laugh). In fact, I wanted to go there years ago and so I decided to give it a try.

Once I had the idea, I created the vision and purpose of the business retreat. What kind of outcome do I want for my business during and after the trip, what do I want to experience and learn, and the big reason why it is a must.

Actually, I talk about how and why it is so important to follow your heart and intuition in How To Be Your True Self course, once you connect with your soul, the true vision, you will blow your mind that it has so many other reasons that you can’t even imagine right now that your intuition is calling you to do.

So, first of all, if you want to make your dreams come true, the most important thing is to be specific and crystal clear about what you want and why you want it so that you can tell your brain what to focus on.

2. Focus On What You Want

Step two is to laser focus on what you want and take massive actions. When you focus on your vision and the big enough reason to go for it, your action follows easily. Have you heard of or done some manifesting, like praying for the new moon and writing down your dreams as if they are already there? I think it’s great, but some people even forget the real purpose and the massive action part.

Let’s take an example if you want to learn and master new languages. If you write down that ‘I have mastered the language.’ and forget about it, nothing will change, right? The most important thing to make dreams come true is to take massive action and keep showing up consistently. Even if you just memorize 10 words a day, it will build up and compounds. You will be unstoppable if you take massive actions while enjoying the process with ease.

3. Schedule Your Dreams

The final step is to schedule it. Have a plan. There is a great quote by Tony Robbins, he said ‘If you talk about it, it’s a dream. If you envision it, it’s possible. If you schedule it, it’s real.’

Most of us, especially when it seems like a big big dream, tend to get overwhelmed and do nothing (laugh) that is how the human brain works, but if you make your dreams into little bite-sized pieces that you can put in your schedule, like on the calendar, you will do it no matter what.

A lot of people just wish or want, like ‘Oh I hope I can go to this country one day.’ but once you decide what date you are flying and how long you are visiting, boom, your dreams become real. How exciting, right?

I truly believe that when you physically experience something in real life, you become the best next version of yourself💕

Of Course, Have A Faith & Believe⭐️

The most important thing even before creating a crystal clear vision is to have the faith and belief that you can make dreams come true no matter what. Always see what’s possible and once your belief system is truly aligned and know you can make all your dreams come true you will blow your mind. I mean think about it, everything in our lives is experienced through our own perception and belief system.

So why don’t we let go of all the limiting beliefs that we didn’t even have when we were born that we actually learn unnecessarily as we grow up?

If you want to get crystal clear on what you truly love and what your desires are, not from other people but truly with you, come and join us on How to Be Your True Self course where you can tap into your truth and remember the woman you came here to be.

We sometimes forget that this life has a time limit. It is the perfect time to start living as your true self and live the life you deeply desire. I am so excited to guide you on this journey.


Let’s practice here to truly implement these simple 3 steps to making your dreams come true. We all have something in our lives that was once a dream and now it is our reality. Think about that one thing and remember the successful formula in your own terms. I am sure you had that crystal clear vision and purpose to keep going, you focused on it took massive action, and made decisions or planned. Remember that successful formula and keep going my goddess friend✨

Always follow your heart and intuition and let’s enjoy the journey until we get there, when you make your dreams come true you will have a beautiful impact on others as well. Your dream is planted in your heart for a reason💖 Have a beautiful day my goddess friend. I cannot wait to see you on the next time.