How to Stop Comparing and Start Living The Best Life
How to Stop Comparing and Start Living The Best Life
Have you ever found yourself comparing yourself to others and feeling behind, or not good enough?
Well my goddess friend, after reading today’s article, you will be able to gain the skill of stop comparing and start living your best life in 2025 filled with true joy, fulfillment, and beauty.
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Hello my beautiful friend, welcome back to Haute Couture Life. I am Mana and on this channel, we learn how to be more beautiful, elegant, and healthy from the inside out. And also discovering your true self, this is a topic I’m very passionate about. If you are interested, I have the course so please check it out.
Today’s topic is all about how to stop comparing.
As a model, I used to compare at the beginning of my career but now, never, and if you have these skills that I am going to introduce to you, I am sure you will feel so much better, true freedom, joy, happiness, and beauty! I am going to share 5 elegant practical tips. Let’s start.
1. Stop Looking at SNS for a While
The first tip to stop comparing yourself to others is to stop looking at SNS for a while. This is very simple, but it’s the most effective tip. SNS can be great when you are learning something very specific knowledge, such as learning a beautiful mindset, new languages (moi, le français! haha), healthy recipes, and sewing which I love, but have you ever noticed that when it comes to seeing closer friends and people information, especially similar age or industry, it’s so easy to get caught in comparison mode!
When I first started my modeling career, I used to mindlessly and unconsciously see and check my modeling friends’ information, and I often felt energy-draining, can you relate? Especially for modeling, it’s so easy to compare and see who got the jobs from the casting, it was very unnecessary information for my life at all that I know now.
Did you know that an Instagram story, in particular, is actually not what you’re specifically looking for, but it’s designed to make you get curious and want to see, it’s not intentional, so it becomes more reactive mode as well.
I know it’s not easy to stop looking at your phone, especially for SNS for the first time, especially when you’re so used to checking other people’s lives, that’s why I created this workshop, so if you haven’t already, please join the workshop it has the worksheet. Once you practice stopping looking at your phone over and over again, you’ll master it and you’ll feel so much better and freedom.
First, you can try a social media detox for a week. (I did 6 months when I started.) During this time, you can just focus on yourself, journal about what kind of new skill you want to learn and master in your life, and just do something that truly makes you happy.
2. Embrace Your Own Perfect Timing
The second tip to stop comparing yourself to others is to focus on your dreams, visions, and timeline.
Years ago I found a poem that completely changed my perspective and I want to share it with you:
Especially as a model, I was constantly told that I needed to be a certain age to be successful, and that’s another topic I’ll cover in the future, but this poem will change your life and I’m going to share with you.
New York is three hours ahead of California but it does not mean that California is slow, or that New York is fast. Both are working based on their own ‘Time Zone.’
Someone is still single. Someone got married and ‘waited’ 10 years before having a child, there is another who had a baby within a year of marriage.
Someone graduated at the age of 22, yet waited 5 years before securing a good job, and there is another who graduated at 27 and secured employment immediately.
Someone became CEO at 25 and died at 50, while another became a CEO at 50 and lived to 90 years.
Everyone works based on their ‘Time Zone.’ People can have things worked out only according to their pace. Work in your ‘Time Zone’.
Your colleagues, friends, younger ones might “seem” to go ahead of you. May be some might “seem” behind you.
Don’t envy them or mock them, it’s their ‘Time Zone’. You are in yours.
Hold on, be strong, and stay true to yourself. All things shall work together for your good. You are not late. You are not early. You are very much On time. You are in Your Time Zone. Life is about waiting for the right moment to act. So relax. You’re not early. You’re not late.
You are very much on time.
How do you feel now? Whatever you feel like comparing yourself to others, screenshot this and remember this!
3. Develop Vision & Discipline Over Distraction
The third tip to stop comparing yourself to others is to develop your own vision with the discipline to focus on yourself.
It is said that comparison often comes from a lack of focus on your own goals. We all know that comparison does not help us and is very energy-taking.
The most important thing you could do in your life is to find your own true vision, mission, and purpose in life and take action toward them every day.
Once you find that, you have no time to compare yourself to others.
Whenever you find yourself in comparison mode, you can always ask yourself,
What are the consequences of being in comparison? What am I gaining from this? Instead, what do I truly want to be, do, have, create, and experience in my one and only precious life?
As human beings, we are designed to avoid discomfort and seek pleasure. At first, focusing on yourself and discovering your vision, mission, and purpose in your life feel so daunting and hard to focus on because it requires a lot of energy and it is easy to see others living but for the long term true fulfillment in your life comes from knowing yourself with massive self-love.
If you keep practicing and asking yourself in a journal and take the time for yourself, you will find something that you are interested in. Then take action with many real experiences and experiments little by little, you will find the true vision, mission, and purpose in your life that you want to master. I promise you, it is the most fulfillment in your life. Let’s develop the discipline to focus on yourself and visions, not others.
Of course, if you need any personal guidance for discovering more of yourself, please feel free to contact me! I am happy to help you!
4. Age Is Just a Number
The fourth tip is to stop comparing yourself to others is to always remember, it’s always working out perfectly. It is always the perfect time to start something you love.
Have you ever said to yourself, too young, too old, too early, or too late, but my goddess friend, compared to what? Age is just a number and the fact of age is ‘drum roll’ how many years you are on this earth or planet, that’s it!
Don’t we love people who are over 70 and thriving? It is so inspiring to see them!
In terms of age and health, we are not designed to be sick or unwell as we age, we are perfectly designed to be happy, healthy, vibrant, and full of energy regardless of age with a beautiful mindset and a healthy lifestyle.
I believe that the 30s, 40s, and 50s are just getting started! We have a long way to go.
You don’t have to focus on a certain age number, let’s just focus on what’s important in your life, things that make you feel happy, energized, and beautiful, and things that you want to master in your life.
5. The Special Truth – Celebrate You!
For the final tip, I would love to give you the truth.
You are the one and only special being on the planet. There is no you before you are born or after you are gone. Everything is happening for you to be the best version and final destination of your vision and dream so let’s keep focusing on what you want to create in your life and who you want to be as a lady.
You have your own unique style, taste, and preference that no one has. No one else in the world has your unique experiences, your special talents, or your beautiful perspective.
Everything in your life happens for you to help you become the most beautiful, fulfilled version of yourself. Let’s forget about all the “shoulds” we’ve learned from school, society, or culture that we somehow learned when to get married, have a child by a certain age, or even reach certain milestones by a certain age.
Instead of comparing yourself to others, there is no point in doing it at all if you realize because everyone’s journey is completely different and individual., let’s celebrate your special and uniqueness every single day! Life is a gift, my goddess friend.
Final Thoughts
Especially in today’s digital world or lack of developing focus on yourself, it is very easy to compare yourself to others but when you turn off all the noise and go inside, you will find your own special and unique path and once you follow your heart, there is no time to compare because you are the one and only special being on this planet. You have your own special life.
Once you truly believe and own the thought that everything is happening for you in perfect timing and order, you will be unstoppable.
If you are ready to discover more of your true self, true vision, mission, and purpose in your life, Keep watching other elegant mindset videos, and don’t forget to check out the best course, How to Be Your True Self. This simple yet super-effective tool will change your life completely! You will have more joy, happiness, and fulfillment!
I hope today’s article was very helpful to you! What was your biggest takeaway? Please leave me in the comments. I am so happy to connect with you!
Thank you so much for reading. Until next time, stay happy and have a joyful day my goddess friend!